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Vanessa Church

Schools’ Grants Programme

Central Plateau REAP supports the 31 schools in the Central Plateau District by offering two opportunities a year for schools to apply for REAP assistance. This assistance can take the form of:

  •  supporting schools in the provision of high quality education programmes (for example, providing specialist tutors to upskill both students and teachers);
  • removing rural isolation as a barrier to student participation through programmes that enable students to attend activities outside their local environment;
  • supporting schools in providing programmes that enhance student wellbeing with a particular focus on anti-bullying;
  • addressing the needs of students at risk of underachievement – particularly those with specific learning disorders, those from low socio-economic backgrounds, and those with poor oral language or literacy and numeracy skills; and
  • providing high quality professional development for teachers.

Schools are able to apply in Term 3 for support in Terms 1 and 2 of the following year, and in Term 2 for Support in Terms 3 and 4. Application forms are sent to schools by the Schools’ Coordinator and allocations made by a REAP appointed committee representing schools and the wider community.

Examples of Programmes supported by REAP in 2021 include

  • 9 programmes of intensive literacy support
  • 6 programmes of Te Reo/Kapahaka/ Tikanga Māori
  • 3 programmes supporting development of music and the performing arts

REAP also provides professional development for schools,  specialist teachers and teacher aides with a particular emphasis on increasing knowledge and understanding of Specific Learning Disorders such as Dyslexia.



Learning Assessments

A particular area of focus for the schools programme is support for students with specific learning disorders such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia.

Learning disorders such as Dyslexia can be a significant barrier to students meeting their academic potential at the school and later in the workplace. An assessment is required to diagnose dyslexia, offer recommendations for assistance in the classroom and provide data required by New Zealand Qualifications Authority for Special Assessment Conditions for Examinations (reader, writer/assistive technology, extra time). A lack of assistance can result in students failing to meet their academic potential, particularly in examinations at school and tertiary level.

REAP subsidises the cost of this assessment. Referrals are accepted from schools and parents/whānau.

To enquire about booking an assessment please contact the Schools’ Co-ordinator, Joce Moyle, at email or phone 07 378 8109.

Wairakei Trust In partnership with the Wairakei Trust, some grants are available for students who whakapapa to that trust. An application process is required to assess eligibility.

For further information contact Joce Moyle on:


Whāia te Māramatanga me te Oranga

Tū Maia, Tūhono

A person nurtured in the community contributes strongly to society


73 Titiraupenga Street, Taupō 3330


  • Monday 9am – 4pm
  • Tuesday 9am – 4pm
  • Wednesday 9am – 4pm
  • Thursday 9am – 4pm
  • Friday 9am – 3pm
  • Saturday-Sunday Closed
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