Tēnā koutou!

Nau mai ki tēnei whārangi ipurangi o Central Plateau REAP.

Welcome to Central Plateau REAP website.

Our Mission / Te Arotanga: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

To facilitate lifelong learning and community wellbeing

Whāia te Māramatanga me te Oranga

Our Vision / Te Pae Tawhiti: Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

Confident, skilled and connected communities across the Central Plateau

TÅ« Maia, TÅ«hono


Central Plateau REAP is a not-for-profit organisation that delivers a variety of personalised education and whānau focused programmes and services throughout the Central Plateau region.

Our programmes cover a wide range of kaupapa including early childhood, schooling, learning support, rangatahi mentoring, adult literacy and numeracy, and community education. We operate our own ISP (Internet Service Provider) to support connectivity in remote areas.

The aim of REAP is to advanceĀ community development through quality lifelong education in rural Aotearoa. As one of 13 REAPs nationwide, our purpose is to redress the disadvantages experienced by rural communities in accessing the range and depth of activities and services enjoyed by those who live in urban areas.

Roana Bennett

message from general manager / Tumu Whakarae

Roana Bennett

E mihi kau ana ki a koutou katoa!

We are pleased to announce that we have relaunched Central Plateau REAP as a Charitable Trust, after 40 years as an Incorporated Society. The new legal structure will ensure that REAP remains fit-for-purpose for the next 40 years of service to our communities of the Central Plateau.

Our services and programmes remain the same, as does our dedication and commitment to our mission: ā€œTo facilitate lifelong learning and community wellbeing.ā€

Our vision of ā€œConfident, skilled and connected communities across the Central Plateauā€ is our driver ā€“ TÅ« Maia, TÅ«hono!

I want to extend my heartfelt admiration to our dedicated team of educators, mentors, coordinators, support staff and managers at REAP whose tireless efforts exemplify the true spirit of community development. Their passion for serving others is both commendable and inspirational, and a testament to the power of collective action. Thank you for your invaluable contributions and unwavering commitment to creating positive change in our community.

Central Plateau REAP is an extraordinary place to work. Serving communities and people, in good times and in times of trial, is an honourable legacy that we are privileged to continue.

Nō reira, kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.

Roana Bennett



Adult Community Education
Early Childhood Education


Keep up-to-date with REAP

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Join us for an evening of relaxation and healing. Michael Frew of Te Hā Therapies brings you Te Hā o Te Rangi - a space for healing. Using maori musical instruments taonga puoro - singing treasures Michael will guide you on a pathway towards well-being. Sign up now with ako@reapcentralplateau.nz or call 07 378 8109 ... See MoreSee Less

Join us for an evening of relaxation and healing. Michael Frew of Te Hā Therapies brings you Te Hā o Te Rangi - a space for healing. Using maori musical instruments taonga puoro - singing treasures Michael will guide you on a pathway towards well-being. Sign up now with ako@reapcentralplateau.nz or call 07 378 8109

International mum's group will be meeting off site this week. You can contact Elvira for more details 0210316149, thanks Kim šŸ˜ ... See MoreSee Less

International mums group will be meeting off site this week. You can contact Elvira for more details 0210316149, thanks Kim šŸ˜

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REAP are pleased to be able to offer you a new programme - Everyday English! Cath Dudley an experienced English teacher will help you to improve your English. All welcome. Email us now to secure your spot! ako@reapcentralplateau.nz ... See MoreSee Less

REAP are pleased to be able to offer you a new programme - Everyday English! Cath Dudley an experienced English teacher will help you to improve your English. All welcome. Email us now to secure your spot! ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

Last chance to enrol for this wonderful opportunity to learn NZSL with your children! If you don't have any children you are also welcome to join in! Close off Wednesday. Email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz ... See MoreSee Less

Last chance to enrol for this wonderful opportunity to learn NZSL with your children! If you dont have any children you are also welcome to join in! Close off Wednesday. Email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

Save the date! Register early to secure your spot. Time to recharge your batteries, nights are getting colder, the first term is coming to a close. Relax, do some breathing and let the sound waves heal you! Email ako@reapcentraplateau.nz to put your name down. ... See MoreSee Less

Save the date! Register early to secure your spot. Time to recharge your batteries, nights are getting colder, the first term is coming to a close. Relax, do some breathing and let the sound waves heal you! Email ako@reapcentraplateau.nz to put your name down.

International mums group will be meeting at REAP Central Plateau TAUPO tomorrow at 10.30am, come along and meet some new friends ... See MoreSee Less

International mums group will be meeting at REAP Central Plateau TAUPO tomorrow at 10.30am, come along and meet some new friends

Join us now to learn NZSL with your whanau! Nau mai Haere mai. You may also attend if you don't have any children to bring! ... See MoreSee Less

Join us now to learn NZSL with your whanau! Nau mai Haere mai. You may also attend if you dont have any children to bring!

It's great to see this delivered in Taupo.Please share many thanks Kim EC ... See MoreSee Less

Its great to see this delivered in Taupo.Please share many thanks Kim ECImage attachmentImage attachment

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The 2nd Intake of this highly popular programme is on 19 March. Email now to secure your spot! ako@reapcentralplateau.nz ... See MoreSee Less

The 2nd Intake of this highly popular programme is on 19 March. Email now to secure your spot! ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

REAP are pleased to offer you a Saturday afternoon opportunity to learn Sign Language. A fantastic way to communicate with any non verbal young people as well as anyone deaf or with hearing difficulties. "Ə highly value what I have learnt so far" "Judith was awesome at discussing with us what we all wanted out of the course and worked with us to get the most out of it"
Register now by emailing ako@reapcentralplateau.nz
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REAP are pleased to offer you a Saturday afternoon opportunity to learn Sign Language. A fantastic way to communicate with any non verbal young people as well as anyone deaf or with hearing difficulties. Ə highly value what I have learnt so far Judith was awesome at discussing with us what we all wanted out of the course and worked with us to get the most out of it Register now by emailing ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

Nau Mai! Haere mai!
Soroptimist International Taupo invites you to Afternoon Tea to raise awareness and funds for the Ovarian Cancer Foundation.
Details below:
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Nau Mai! Haere mai! Soroptimist International Taupo invites you to Afternoon Tea to raise awareness and funds for the Ovarian Cancer Foundation. Details below:

Learn how to support someone experiencing mental health challenges at this FREE workshop on Thursday 20th of March 2025 at REAP Central Plateau.
Click on the link to register:
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Learn how to support someone experiencing mental health challenges at this FREE workshop on Thursday 20th of March 2025 at REAP Central Plateau. Click on the link to register: https://tinyurl.com/MH101REAP

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Bronwyn Gunn

First day back to tomorrow 13th February, REAP Kinloch playgroup
Kinloch Community Hall, 9.30am - 1.30pm Thursday term time, šŸ™‚
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First day back to tomorrow 13th February, REAP Kinloch playgroup Kinloch Community Hall, 9.30am - 1.30pm Thursday term time, :)

We are hosting the International Mum's group here at REAP, everyone is welcome to join us to connect and share some kai! Thursdays, 10.30am- 1.30pm, term time, flyer attached.International mum's group . ... See MoreSee Less

We are hosting the International Mums group here at REAP, everyone is welcome to join us to connect and share some kai! Thursdays, 10.30am- 1.30pm, term time, flyer attached.International mums group .

REAP Turangi playgroup will be hosting Robyn the new Pregnancy Help Inc Taupo Coordinator at playgroup tomorrow.TURANGI šŸ”Š

We are opening up hub tomorrow at the Turangi playgroup! We aim to be there from approximately 10.30am to 12pm!

See you there!
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REAP Turangi playgroup will be hosting Robyn the new Pregnancy Help Inc Taupo Coordinator at playgroup tomorrow.

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One of our official NZ languages- NZ Sign Language is a delight to learn. Join Judith Peez who makes it fun, practical and easy to learn! See our website www.reap.org.nz for the enrolment form or email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz to register your interest. ... See MoreSee Less

One of our official NZ languages- NZ Sign Language is a delight to learn. Join Judith Peez who makes it fun, practical and easy to learn! See our website www.reap.org.nz for the enrolment form or email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz to register your interest.

Te Reo Māori classes begin from Monday 10th February in Tūrangi. See our website www.reap.org.nz for more information and to fill out an enrolment form. OR Register your interest now by emailing ako@reapcentralplateau.nz and we will send you a form. Make 2025 your year for learning something new! ... See MoreSee Less

Te Reo Māori classes begin from Monday 10th February in Tūrangi. See our website www.reap.org.nz for more information and to fill out an enrolment form. OR Register your interest now by emailing ako@reapcentralplateau.nz and we will send you a form. Make 2025 your year for learning something new!Image attachment

Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to create a visual roadmap for your year ahead! All resources supplied. Take some time out for yourself to think about what you want and aspire to in your life. Enrol now with ako@reapcentralplateau.org.nz. Must be NZ citizens or permanent residents. ... See MoreSee Less

Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to create a visual roadmap for your year ahead! All resources supplied. Take some time out for yourself to think about what you want and aspire to in your life. Enrol now with ako@reapcentralplateau.org.nz. Must be NZ citizens or permanent residents.

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Will this get run again? Can’t make either times due to prior commitments

Join Judith and learn some easy signs to help you to communicate eg ask for something to eat or drink, say hello, ask how are you. Small classes so lots of interaction. Judith makes her classes FUN! Enrol now ako@reapcentralplateau.nz ... See MoreSee Less

Join Judith and learn some easy signs to help you to communicate eg ask for something to eat or drink, say hello, ask how are you. Small classes so lots of interaction. Judith makes her classes FUN! Enrol now ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

International Mumā€™s group- Meet here at REAP in the Pihanga room, Thursdays term time 10.30am-1.30pm.
We start back on 13th February, itā€™s FREE and everyone is welcome to join connect and, share some kai.
You can check their Fb page or contact, Elvira Macdonald for more information, elvspm@yahoo.com . Flyer attached.
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International Mumā€™s group- Meet here at REAP in the Pihanga room, Thursdays term time 10.30am-1.30pm. We start back on 13th February, itā€™s FREE and everyone is welcome to join connect and, share some kai. You can check their Fb page or contact, Elvira Macdonald for more information, elvspm@yahoo.com . Flyer attached.

Whatā€™s happening term 1, REAP Early Childhood team

Turangi Playgroup: Baden Powell Hall, Rangikahekeiwaho Place, Wednesday, and Thursday 9.30am- 12pm. First day back Wednesday 5th February, no session 6th, Waitangi Day.

Kinloch Playgroup: Kinloch community Hall,
Thursday 9.30am-12pm. First day back Thursday 13th February.

We provide a FREE service; a Koha is much appreciated.
Bay Boocock is the facilitator, you can contact Bay for playgroup inquires, bay@reapcentralplateau.nz

Taupō Pregnancy Help- A FREE service providing clothing, equipment, and practical advice. We facilitate a hub at Turangi Playgroup on a Wednesday once a month during session time, check their FB page for dates or more information Pregnancy Help Taupō. Pregnancy Help Inc Taupo

No Excuse momsā€™ group ā€“ Exercise group for mums and tamariki , Tuesday and Friday mornings in Turangi 9.30am-11.30am or Turangi REAP playgroup for more information noexcusemom.com/about or Courtney Irwin courtknee24@gmail.com.
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Whatā€™s happening term 1, REAP Early Childhood team Turangi Playgroup: Baden Powell Hall, Rangikahekeiwaho Place, Wednesday, and Thursday 9.30am- 12pm. First day back Wednesday 5th February, no session 6th, Waitangi Day. Kinloch Playgroup: Kinloch community Hall, Thursday 9.30am-12pm. First day back Thursday 13th February. We provide a FREE service; a Koha is much appreciated. Bay Boocock is the facilitator, you can contact Bay for playgroup inquires, bay@reapcentralplateau.nz Taupō Pregnancy Help- A FREE service providing clothing, equipment, and practical advice. We facilitate a hub at Turangi Playgroup on a Wednesday once a month during session time, check their FB page for dates or more information Pregnancy Help Taupō. Pregnancy Help Inc Taupo No Excuse momsā€™ group ā€“ Exercise group for mums and tamariki , Tuesday and Friday mornings in Turangi 9.30am-11.30am or Turangi REAP playgroup for more information https://noexcusemom.com/about or Courtney Irwin courtknee24@gmail.com.Image attachment

Kia Ora koutou
A new opportunity at REAP Central Plateau
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Kia Ora koutou A new opportunity at REAP Central Plateau

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Due to popular demand REAP are delighted Jenny Merwyn will hold more Vision Board workshops for us. Take some time out for yourself to reflect on your life and what you want to get out of it. Create a vision board to help set some goals and work towards making your dreams become reality! All resources supplied. Call us now to register your interest or email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz ... See MoreSee Less

Due to popular demand REAP are delighted Jenny Merwyn will hold more Vision Board workshops for us. Take some time out for yourself to reflect on your life and what you want to get out of it. Create a vision board to help set some goals and work towards making your dreams become reality! All resources supplied. Call us now to register your interest or email ako@reapcentralplateau.nz

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

A great workshop, highly recommended šŸ‘Œ

I emailed haven't had a reply

Nau mai Haere mai. Rāranga Harakeke is back! Join Mere Maniapoto and get started on your weaving journey with a putiputi (flower) or kono (basket). Learn how to cut the flax sustainably and prepare it for weaving. Other items to make may include earrings, tissue holders, sunhats, table mats. Bring your lunch and enjoy the company of others. Call us now on 07 378 8109 or email ako@reapcentraplateau.nz to register your interest. ... See MoreSee Less

Nau mai Haere mai. Rāranga Harakeke is back! Join Mere Maniapoto and get started on your weaving journey with a putiputi (flower) or kono (basket). Learn how to cut the flax sustainably and prepare it for weaving. Other items to make may include earrings, tissue holders, sunhats, table mats. Bring your lunch and enjoy the company of others. Call us now on 07 378 8109 or email ako@reapcentraplateau.nz to register your interest.
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